Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ Wow6432Node\Red Storm Entertainment\Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six.Note: There might be an issue with the mouse if the value is not correct, also mouse cursor trails gets stuck on the screen. Also change MouseRadiansPerPixel to 0.002727 or lower.Press the windows button, type in "regedit" in search and run it, navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE -> SOFTWARE -> Wow6432Node -> Red Storm Entertainment -> Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six (start the game once for these entries to appear).Go to dgVoodoo folder and open MS folder and copy the 3 files D3D8,D3Dlmm,DDraw.dll and put them in the folder where rainbowsix.exe is.DirectX tab: videocard dgVoodoo 3D, vram 1024.General tab: appearance fullscreen,scaling mode stretched,keep aspect ratio.